Get to know me

I was born and raised in Suffolk but have also lived in Leeds, London, Australia, Cape Town and now Bristol! I worked at an adventure travel company for 9 years before I joined Swoop and have been lucky enough to experience some of the most amazing places our world has to offer.

Travel remains one of my biggest passions, and I now get to enjoy it with my partner and young son. I love how it changes you after every trip. It broadens your mind, challenges your views and breaks down stereotypes. I have always been a big fan of the most remote parts of the world – the harder to get to the better. 


Swoop says

Swoop Says background image

As the Customer Experience Team Manager, my role is to help, prepare, support and excite you for what will hopefully be one of your most memorable and life-changing adventures.

Michael Battley Customer Experience Team Manager

My top 5 Antarctic experiences

  • Being blown away by the sheer scale, remoteness and unspoilt natural beauty of Antarctica
  • Watching gigantic icebergs float by from the window in my cabin – just amazing
  • Seeing whales during the zodiac boat cruises. There were so many during March, I could barely count them!
  • Kayaking alongside playful penguins as they splashed through the glassy polar waters
  • Taking part in citizen science – from seabird surveys to cloud surveys – with our enthusiastic expedition guides
Two men kayak in Antarctica