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While being fit isn’t a prerequisite to travelling to Antarctica as it's ‘soft adventure’, being fit enough to get the most out of the daily excursions will increase your overall enjoyment of the trip. Being able to get on and off the rubber zodiac boats is crucial. For anyone concerned about this, there are always staff on hand to grab an arm and assist you.
Once onshore, walking distances tend to quite short as Antarctica’s physical topography precludes longer walks. Most landings typically require walking for less than half a mile, although the actual ground can is typically uneven and can be challenging when icy, so a walking pole(s) can be very useful.
However, you can choose the degree of difficulty and if you wish you can simply remain on the shore, close to the boats contemplating the penguins going in and out of the water.
What to do if you are ill?
There is a qualified English-speaking doctor aboard all vessels, who is available to help with any minor ailments, sea sickness or other issues. However, the onboard medical equipment is limited. Any passengers taking medication must bring their own supply.
In the event of a serious emergency the Captain and Expedition Leader will decide on the best course of action.
What our customers think of Staying Healthy
Sea sickness
Sea sickness can be a real problem for some, and will affect most people in varying ways. On the whole, expect it to take a day or so before you get your sea legs, for some it can take longer for others there will be no symptoms at all.
We would recommend drinking lots of water, and eating small amounts regularly.
There are some good anti-seasickness remedies that can really help, including tablets, patches and wristbands. Different people react in different ways, so do your research. Be aware that some brands of anti-seasickness tablets can make you feel very drowsy.
Our main recommendation is prevention, here are a few suggestions to help mitigate against sea sickness:
- Be well rested and avoid drinking alcohol the night before hitting open waters
- Eating ginger (candy, ginger-ale), dry biscuits or green apples
- Avoiding a fixed view, such as reading book or looking at a computer
- Look forward and not towards the stern