Dr. Judit




Customer Rating On return from their adventure we ask customers: “On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the highest, how likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend or colleague?”

Dr. Judit's Trip Date:

13th Feb - 27th Feb 2020

Dr. Judit's Ship:


What was your most memorable moment?

No question, hard to choose one. Far the best: zodiak cruise with the whales. Second: Paradise bay zodiak criuse on an amazing suny afternoon. Third: Deception Island on an amazing sunny day.

Which of the following best describes your adventure?

Life changing

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend or colleague?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 out of 10

Tell us about the wildlife

If I were you, I would suggest definetally to the guests to spend some day in Ushuaia also. Nowadays Ushuaia is a big town, well equiped for tourist for its own right and there is a lot to do. For example we found out, that we stay two more days before the trip and a whole day after the trip without the suggestion of Swoop. And there was a lot to do in this town and around also. Now we know, that we would miss a lot without these plus days! The hiking possibilitise, or for example the Pinguin Island, where a KING PINGUIN CUPPLE lives, what you can't see eve over the polar circle! And visiting the Pinguin Island we saw already two humpback vales, before the Plancius tour. Close to this island there is a small fisherman "village" (only some house) and a nice small restaurant, where we wen by car, and spend some time on the bay, had a very nice fresh kingcrab meal. So, I definetally would suggest to everyone to spend some days in Ushuaia on the town's own right!

Tell us about Zodiac excursions

Plancius has 10 zodiaks, it is not enough many times, so I would inform the tourist of Swoop about these things: - at least half of the zodiaks or more used only by the kajakers and divers, and plus: not all the time are taken down the rest of the zodiaks . So the rest of tourists are taken ashore in two rounds!!!!!!!!! You have to wait sometimes a lot. - many times they make the zodiak cruise in two rounds: half of the tourists are taken ashore, half makes the zodiak criuse, and than change. But if you are on the zodiak cruise not togethet with the tour leader, your zodiak criuse is very short, because the tour leader order the other group ashore very quick to start her round with the other half of the tourists. The leader was really professional, so you have to play a game to get to the round in which she is leading a criuse, because it is not allowed to stay for the second zodiak cruise, if the leader is there and sees that you stay for one more, which gives you enough time to join it, because they don't have enough zodiaks. They actually right: everybody has a chance to make the zodiak cruise and the ashore tour, but you will mind very much which round you have a chance to do, the longer or the short cut one. - you will mind also, which guide you get for the zodiak cruise, you have to be very quick an old stager to get a really professional guide. With a professional guide you can rellay enjoy the cruise, the guide will explain everything, show everything from every side (for example an ice shell with sea lions), a not so professional will only run after the other zodiaks. On our tour the tour leader and co-tour leader (Aly and Celine Clement) were far the best guides with the most information and possibility. Bt we had cruise for almost 2 hours with a guide without any word, no chance even to slow down for some sea lion. -

Tell us about the expedition team

The presentations were very good and really interesting and usefull. But these were prepaired lectures. As I mentioned above, on a zodiak course, if you get not a good staff, you were sitting for 2 hours without a word, even you didn't get exact answer for your questions, maybe "I don't know", "I'm not sure". After one such experience we were "hunting": try to get into the zodiak with a good staff. On our tour far the best staffs were Aly and Celine by knowledge, by behaviour on lectures and cruises.

Tell us about the Plancius

About the Plancius I can speak only with superlatives!!!! It was high above our expectations! Amazing, great, etc.!!! And the staff, captain, mechanicks etc. of the Plancius also! They made the best job!

Do you have any tips or advice for other people planning a trip to Antarctica?

Spend time in Ushuaia also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suggest 2-3 days minimum, if you don't spend time with long hikings, and go by private cars. But can be more even! The surroundings are amazing!!!!!!!

Has your experience changed your perspective in any way?

You can't imagine in advance what is waiting for you there. No Nat Geo films, no guide books are even able to prepaire you for that wonder, until you don't see it with your own eyes. Only an example: I stand in the zodiak doing nothing only crying for a while, when first I had a look on the humpback whales so close..... You feel their breth....

Do you have any recommendations for Swoop, or feedback about the team?

Big thanks for John at Swoop, without him we would never find out, that definetally the Plancius and the Polar circle tour is fitting the best for us!!!! If a friend of mine would like to find a tour to the Antarctica, I would suggest him to get contact with John directly! Thank you John!!!! Photos later, those are under processing still.

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