The best time to visit Antarctica
Choosing the best time to visit Antarctica is an essential part of the planning process. Each month's distinctive weather and wildlife offer a different side of the region.
Discover MoreSpecial Offers Available: Swoop has access to the widest range of offers and can help you find the right trip, cabin, & price.
Expert impartial advice at no extra cost: no-nonsense advice on 1500 voyages across 30 ships
The Antarctic Experts. No Compromises: there’s no question we can’t answer
The only B Corp certified Antarctic specialist: so your adventures can be a force for good
A full concierge service, unlike booking direct: we leave nothing to chance in delivering your perfect trip
Special Offers Available: Swoop has access to the widest range of offers and can help you find the right trip, cabin, & price.
Expert impartial advice at no extra cost: no-nonsense advice on 1500 voyages across 30 ships
The Antarctic Experts. No Compromises: there’s no question we can’t answer
The only B Corp certified Antarctic specialist: so your adventures can be a force for good
A full concierge service, unlike booking direct: we leave nothing to chance in delivering your perfect trip
Antarctica is one of the best places in the world for close encounters with whales. With perfectly sculpted icebergs in the background, you’ll have the chance to watch breathlessly as these huge, beautiful creatures swim and feed close by, or show their flukes as they dive before your zodiac.
This majestic beast of the seas is recognised by its huge pectoral flippers which can reach a third of its total body length, and as long as a zodiac boat. They are normally black but the undersides of flippers and flukes have varying amounts of white and can be used as aids for individual recognition. They measure 11-19 metres and weigh 25.4-35.5 tonnes, males being usually slightly shorter than females.
Their notorious hump, together with its long pectoral flippers, makes them easy to recognise. Being a baleen whale, they have 2 blow holes, which you'll see if one dives close to your boat. They often work co-operatively to hunt, sometimes by 'bubble-net feeding'.
Humpback whale
The Orca, or Killer whale (named because one of the three types of Orca does actually hunt and kill certain types of whale), is the largest member of the dolphin family and can be spotted by its enormous dorsal fin, which can grow to 2 metres high in males.
Orcas have a striking black and white pattern, from throat to abdomen, some of their flanks and an oval blaze behind the eye white, with the rest mainly black. They measure from 3 to 9 metres and weigh three to ten tonnes, males are larger than females. Orcas are found throughout the Southern Ocean, with an estimated population of 80,000.
Orcas (killer whales)
We saw some whale blows in the distance, approached slowly in our zodiac and turned off the engine. We drifted slowly and silently, just waiting for the next "pppppffffff," of breath which could happen anywhere. There was more suspense in that moment than in any movie I've seen!
Julie Ruston Antarctica Specialist
The second smallest of the baleen whales and the most abundant in the Southern Ocean, Minkes have a maximum length of 10.7 metres and weigh up to 9 tonnes. They are usually spotted around the edges of the pack ice during Antarctic summer, with pairing and calving taking place during the winter.
Minkes largely escaped hunting in the first half of the 20th century due to their relatively small size but are now targeted in their hundreds each year by Japanese whalers.
Minke whale
Although lots of other species frequent these waters, they're a lot rarer to spot. The golden ticket sightings include Sperm whales, which have some of the deepest and longest dives of any whale, only returning to the surface every few hours. They've been recorded to dive to 2,000 metres in search of giant squid and large fish. Southern Right whales are also sometimes spotted.
Others to look out for are Blue, Fin and Sei whales, the three largest whales. Blue whale numbers, in particular, are picking up recently after a long period of being endangered, and seeing one is a real cause for celebration.
After years of exploitation, Antarctica's fin whales are in recovery
Swoop Antarctica Expert Paul
Blue whale
Our ships adhere to IAATO guidelines on watching whales respectfully, by keeping a safe distance and letting them carry on with their activities. However, if the whales are curious and approach, they can get amazingly close.
Seeing a pod of orcas in the Gerlache Strait was a truly unforgettable experience. We were having dinner and I leapt up from the table thinking I’d be back in a few minutes, but an hour later I was still out on the deck, buzzing with awe as they swam close to the ship.
Marta Laver Antarctica Specialist
February and March are the best months to see whales in Antarctica. Whale numbers are at their peak, and more importantly for visitors to the area, this is when they are at their most curious.
The behaviour change in these months comes from their seasonal feeding pattern. After a long fasting period in warmer waters, whales spend the summer months gorging on food, and by February and March they are satiated, full of energy and ready to play. They begin to be far more interested in interacting with their human visitors, having fun, and putting on a bit of a show.
Kayaking in Charcot Bay and having a humpback whale swim up less than 20 feet in front of us, and then 20 minutes later, seeing 6-7 orcas swimming right in front of us. Words, pictures and videos cannot do that feeling justice. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2025
Mansi Parikh - USA
Most memorable moment? Bubble feeding humpbacks next to the zodiac. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2025
Jacqueline (Jakki) Faccenda - UK
Loved them all, but particularly enjoyed cruises through sea ice and one where we had a lot of whale activity including 5-6 humpbacks bubble-net feeding. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2025
Ian Stewart - UK
We saw 11 whales in one afternoon. Saw a minke whale 3 feet away from the zodiac we are riding on. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2025
Junying Zhang - USA
The zodiac excursions were my favorite part of the trip! It provided an opportunity to get closer to the animals and icebergs. Nothing beats seeing humpback whales pop up right next to you :) Read the full review
Travelled: January 2025
Anna Oldham - USA
Most memorable zodiac cruise was stopping the zodiac in a bay full of icebergs with humpbacks and penguins feeding in the distance and then having the humpbacks approach and move past the zodiac for a wonderful unexpected encounter. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2025
Susan Winnitoy - USA
Most memorable moment? Seeing a pod of 40-50 humpback whales feeding right next to the ship. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2025
Mrunal Patel - USA
Most memorable moment? Watching whales bubble-net feedings around our boat for 4 hours - we saw hundreds of whale tails! Read the full review
Travelled: January 2025
Mujon Baghai - USA
Most memorable moment? Being surrounded by humpbacks bubble-net feeding in a protected bay on the first night on the peninsula.
Travelled: January 2025
Ryan Ward - USA
Most memorable moment? Seeing two humpback whales swim past me as I sat in a kayak with my wife.
Travelled: January 2025
Robert Snyder - USA
Most memorable moment? Seeing the mountains pop out of the fog for the very first time when we finally made landfall - unbelievable. Also seeing the penguins, seals, orcas, and WHALES - especially the whale tails! Read the full review
Travelled: December 2024
Sarah Walko - USA
Always felt safe, loved them. Absolutely incredible to do a water cruise with whales on every side - someone is shouting to look left, someone else sees one to the right, and there's two more behind the zodiac. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2024
Taylor Concannon - USA
Whale watching by zodiac was amazing! And riding around so many icebergs didn’t even seem real! Read the full review
Travelled: December 2024
Cynthia Coats - USA
I am not sure how to select the best memory but it may be the humpback whale that came up to show her tail while we were in the zodiacs. The experience and the reaction we all had made me cry. I still see that moment and hear our WOW! reaction. Read the full review
Travelled: November 2024
Irma Vazquez Cabezas - Netherlands
There was not just one memorable moment. It's absolutely incredible. Seeing all the penguins, seals and whales. The icebergs, especially in Wilhelmina Bay made me feel like I was in the movie Avatar: The Way of Water. It was all totally amazing! Read the full review
Travelled: February 2024
Carol Forrest - USA
Most memorable moment? A pod of orca, 12, circled and porpoised on both sides of the ship for a long time. This was during dinner. Most of the passengers, expedition team, and many of the crew ran outside on deck to observe the beautiful spectacle. It was an unforgettable moment of observing nature that was observing us! Read the full review
Travelled: February 2024
Michael Iezzi - USA
Most memorable moment? Watching the pod of 18-20 orcas from our ship for about 45 minutes as we changed course to stay near them. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2024
Ali Begeja - USA
Our zodiac was surrounded by several humpback whales who were swimming towards us and showed us their tails, heads, and backs!! Read the full review
Travelled: January 2024
Janice Lo - USA
I loved the zodiac cruises! They gave us a chance to see all the wildlife, AND ESPECIALLY THE WHALES, from a whole new point of view. Wow, the whale watching on the cruises was just the best. Love. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2024
Amy Ergle - USA
We were on our way to Cuverville and ran into a large pod of orcas and they got us all off the ship and we spent 3 hours in zodiacs surrounded by about 25 orcas and a humpback whale. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2023
Erin Blanton - USA
Most memorable moments were watching 2 sleeping humpback whales from 50 feet away and navigating through icy water to get back to the ship. What an adventure! Read the full review
Travelled: November 2023
Midori Shibuya - USA
Whales were such an unexpected treat. We all got better at looking for the steam stacks to tell us they were nearby. No breaches, but several showed us their tail fins as they dove. Read the full review
Travelled: March 2023
David Feldshon - USA
Fantastic! Most memorable: we were surrounded by humpbacks. One dove ten feet from our zodiac, tail high and swam right under us. Read the full review
Travelled: March 2023
Craig Vial - USA
Zodiac cruising provided not just great sights but great education as well. It allowed us to have close encounters with humpback whales – the most memorable being a group of humpback whales engaging in a coordinated activity known as bubble net feeding. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2023
Saebom Lee - USA
Our first whale sighting during our zodiac back to the ship – it was not one whale, oh no, it was 5 whales with a tremendous flock of birds hovering above tracking the leftover krill. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2023
Carolyn Ferraro - USA
Most memorable moment? Minke whale so close to the zodiac we had to be warned not to touch it! Read the full review
Travelled: February 2023
Karen Brown - USA
There were so many memorable moments, but one was the minke whale that played between our zodiacs. You could touch it but we didn’t, of course. This happened on our first day in Antarctica. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2023
Marian Fowler - UK
We spent an incredible afternoon on the zodiacs following whales in the Gerlache Strait - what an incredible experience. We were fortunate enough to have several groups of whales in the area, with one whale breaching within 20 yards from our zodiac. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2023
Jeff Zumhofe - USA
The most exciting moment was being lucky enough to see all of the orcas surrounding our ship. They were everywhere, and so beautiful. We all jumped up from dinner and ran outside without our jackets (note: worth carrying your jacket for these sudden surprise viewings!) and it was truly magical. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2023
Leah Rumbough - USA
We mainly found humpbacks, but saw a few minke whales and one afternoon we ran into a pod of killer whales! They must have been hunting or potentially practicing because we saw a group of humpbacks in the crowd and many seabirds checking out the scene. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2023
Maricela Alaniz - USA
Most memorable moment? Having a humpback whale swim around our zodiac for 20 minutes while getting great video above and below water of the gentle giant. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2023
Steven Goodman - USA
Most memorable moment? A humpback whale spouted on our faces whilst on a zodiac. Read the full review
Travelled: January 2023
Rowena Chislett - UK
There are too many memorable moments to share, but the one that stands out the most for me was when we had the Gerlache orcas around the boat teaching their young how to hunt a humpback whale. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2022
Chris Waters - Canada
Once in a lifetime holiday. Amazing Adventure! Highlight (and there were many), but we encountered a pod of orcas eating a minke whale. While that was exciting enough, there was a humpback in the area, that the orcas then started to hunt as well. It turns out that pod of orcas was comprised of mothers with their young. The mothers were teaching their young how to hunt. So they were "playing" with the humpback (not from the side of the humpback, but it survived this encounter), but they did this literally next to our ship. It was amazing to watch. An experience I will never forget. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2022
Marc Ganz - USA
We found ourselves encircled with a pod of about 12 whales that were communicating with each other as they surfaced and checked these yellow coated camera-happy humans out… It was a warm, sunny, still afternoon and truly indescribable the paradigm felt. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2022
Paolina Xocco - USA
We were sitting in the lecture theatre listening to the speaker and a whale came up and jumped right outside the window super close to the boat. My husband was so excited he shrieked with happiness. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2022
Rebecca Ready - Canada
Seeing the pod of +15 type B orcas swim UNDER the cruise ship was a sight I will never forget. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2022
Tyler Steffenson - USA
It was fantastic to feel our evolution when we got excited to be close to a humpback to photograph it, when 100 years ago it was done to prey on them! Read the full review
Travelled: November 2022
Eduardo Vidal - Argentina
Most memorable moment: the humpback whales all around us in the Lemaire Channel. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2022
Tom Crowley - USA
Most memorable moment: whale watching right next to us in the kayak. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2022
Oliver Harris - UK
Seeing a pod of an estimated 45 humpback whales feeding right alongside the Hondius. Even veteran crew members said it was the biggest pod of whales they'd seen, perhaps ever, and they were amazed at how close the whales came to the ship - they just passed by and came up for air one after another for a couple of hours in the Gerlache Strait. Stunning. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2021
Mike Walcher - USA
Our ship encountered a huge group of feeding humpback whales. We were surrounded by them for approx. 1.5 hours as we watched them feed, play, breech, dive...it was an enchanting experience. I never thought I would be so up-close to these beautiful creatures. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2021
Claire Torrey - USA
Most memorable moment: coming across dozens and dozens of feeding humpback whales one morning. Some of them came right up to the ship! Read the full review
Travelled: December 2021
Mohit Kallianpur - USA
My most memorable moment was Fournier Bay kayaking! Epic whale experience. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2021
Randy Smith - USA
Our guide, Steffie, told us to put down our cameras when we were on an outing on the zodiac, and just listen! It was surreal - the peace that surrounded us, the sound of the whales, blowing through their blowhole, the water lapping around us - I realized, I have not actually been listening for years! Read the full review
Travelled: February 2020
Rosarii Nuala Falvey - United States Of America
The scale and beauty of South Georgia and Antarctica was beyond my expectations. A humpback whale came near the ship to check us out while we were at anchor in Fournier Bay. The whale surfaced, blew, rolled and hung around the ship for quite a while before moving on. The clear water made it easy to see the whale just under the surface. Many good photos and videos were captured! Read the full review
Travelled: February 2020
Monica Scott - United States Of America
Sitting in a kayak surrounded by 10+ humpback whales in Fournier Bay was my most memorable moment. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2020
Zach Mueller - United States Of America
The highlight was definitely seeing the whales from the kayaks (including a minke whale). Read the full review
Travelled: December 2019
David Muenzer - United States Of America
Above and beyond what you can expect. An orka swam right next to us and then peeked up to look at us. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2019
David Lundvall - United States Of America
We were lucky to have 11 excursions and all were wonderful. My favourite was my personal encounter with a Minke Whale, who spent 30 minutes among our zodiacs and came up close enough for me to see eye to eye! A baby penguin biting my boot was fun as well. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2019
Deborah Merickel - United States Of America
The highlight for me was being a part of our 9 person kayaking group plus two guides. We were able to paddle into small coves and the most magical of all was being near three feeding humpback whales and hearing their breathing as they rose up every few minutes. Read the full review
Travelled: February 2019
Jane Alexander - United States Of America
The highlight was kayaking alongside a humpback whale in stunning scenery. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2018
Gill & Richard Starling - United Kingdom
My wife and I were amazed at the amount of wildlife we got to experience (Adelie, Gentoo, and Chinstrap penguins; Leopard, Crabeater, Weddell and Elephant seals; Humpback whales and a pod of over 20 Orcas that swam right by the ship). Read the full review
Travelled: December 2018
Terrie Mandina - United States Of America
Highlights were taking zodiacs through thousands of pieces of ice while humpback whales coming up within 1 meter of the zodiac. Read the full review
Travelled: December 2018
Matthew Lambert - United States of America
We loved the antics of the penguins and the curiosity of the chicks. Up close viewing of seals and whales was awe inspiring. Our outstanding leaders helped to deepen our understanding and appreciation of this amazing world.
Travelled: February 2018
Sue - Australia
The highlight was having humpback whales feeding within five meters of the Zodiac! The Zodiac drivers were very professional and ensured that we got a good position to see them without disturbing them. We got to see all the three species of penguins and all species of seals.
Travelled: February 2018
Kushal - UAE
The trip was amazing. Michael particularly liked the whales that were diving within 10-15 feet of our zodiac; my favorite was seeing all the penguins and, in particular, the chicks.
Travelled: January 2018
Joan & Michael - New Jersey
The Antarctic was amazing and the cruise delivered everything promised. The highlight was the wildlife. We saw penguins, seals and three types of whales. The landscape is absolutely stunning.
Travelled: November 2017
Jennifer - UK
The wildlife was endless and the highlight was probably seeing 30 whales feeding right in front of our zodiacs. Read the full review
Travelled: March 2017
Bertie & Jessica Russell - United Kingdom
We were privileged to see a large pod of humpback whales in a feeding frenzy one evening; the captain stopped the ship for an hour or so and the whales were feeding all around us.
Travelled: February 2017
Steve and Tina - UK
It was amazing. The wildlife was endless and the highlight was probably seeing 30 whales bubble feeding right in front of our zodiacs.
Travelled: February 2017
Bertie & Jessica - UK
Kayaking was a big highlight for me, with whales breaching beside us, penguins swimming in front and beside the kayak and icebergs.
Travelled: January 2017
Jenni and James - UK
The whales took our breath away. We all froze when one went under our Zodiac.
Travelled: January 2017
Nancy - Texas
The highlights were seeing humpback whales at close quarters and paddling through brash ice.
Travelled: January 2017
Sandy & Tim - UK
We saw both humpback and minki whales from the zodiacs. It was truly amazing. I especially liked cruising through the ice floes and seeing all the lounging seals.
Travelled: January 2017
Nicole - Illinois
Very happy with the wildlife we saw - the best thing was the killer whales hunting a seal by creating waves and breaking the ice from below.
Travelled: November 2016
Anna - UK
Diving: Although having whales close to the surface is the best time to see them, catching them diving is the best opportunity for that perfect whale tail picture.
Breaching: Ejecting themselves out of the water, and sometimes twisting before smashing back down. Theories are it's done simply for fun, or a way to scratch their itchy bodies due to parasites.
Spyhopping: Lifting their heads out of the water to have a better view of what's around. Having a humpback spyhopping next to your zodiac boat is a guaranteed wow moment!
Lobtailing: Slapping their flukes against the water to create noise. Thought to be a form of communication.
As an Antarctic traveller, you're in a unique position to help with scientific research on whales. The ground covered by tourist ships is far more extensive than individual research ships can cover, so visitors have many more opportunities for whale sightings. Many voyages run Citizen Science programs, where travellers can help collect data during their trip, and share that data with research teams.
One of the main projects is Happy Whale. Get involved by uploading your whale fluke pictures to help researchers identify different individual whales and track their migration.
Special Offers:Swoop has access to the widest range of offers and can help you find the right trip, cabin, & price.
4.7 out of 5
Travelling on board this extremely comfortable ship, explore the highlights of the peninsula with a top class expedition team. Spacious cabins, delicious cuisine and optional adventure activities all help create this ideal marriage of comfort and…
4.9 out of 5
Voyage south in Shackleton’s footsteps, exploring the Southern Ocean's highlights as part of this expansive 20-day adventure. A well-balanced itinerary gives plenty of time in each jaw-dropping location. Explore from the comfort of your sleek purpose-built expedition ship, accompanied by…
4.8 out of 5
The great strength of this trip is choice – a wide selection of departure dates and optional adventure activities available on a sleek purpose-built 138 passenger expedition ship. Spend four full days exploring Antarctica. Enjoy daily shore landings and zodiac…
4.7 out of 5
Travel with the pioneers of fly & cruise Antarctic voyages, flying in both directions and bypassing a 2-day sail on the Drake Passage. Regular departure dates (Dec - Feb) to choose from. Explore Antarctica aboard a trusty 67 passenger expedition…
4.7 out of 5
Fly over the Drake Passage in just 2 hours, both to and from Antarctica. Ideal for those wanting a high comfort level, but who have limited time or are anxious sailors. An outstanding program, successfully operated for over 15 seasons.…
4.4 out of 5
Spend 6 full days exploring Antarctica with the Polar Circle at 66 degrees south as your most southerly objective, on board one of the most exciting new vessels. A maximum of just 130 passengers, with spacious cabins, state-of-the-art technology and…
4.7 out of 5
The iconic emperor penguin is the goal of this expedition for wildlife enthusiasts, as your ice-strengthened ship sails into Antarctica’s challenging and little-visited Weddell Sea. Delve deep into historically significant and ice-laden waters, heading for the remote emperor rookery…
Choosing the best time to visit Antarctica is an essential part of the planning process. Each month's distinctive weather and wildlife offer a different side of the region.
Discover MoreFrom stepping foot on polar shores to zodiac cruises, and wildlife encounters to adventure activities, here’s what you can expect from an Antarctic cruise.
Discover MoreAntarctica abounds in penguins, seals and whales, making it one of the most rewarding wildlife watching places on earth.
Discover MoreFly & Cruise trips offer the best of Antarctica in one simple package: flying to the Peninsula in two hours to join an expedition cruise ship for a classic polar adventure.
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