My Antarctic stats
- Favourite Antarctic trip: Antarctic Peninsula Explorer
- Antarctic activities tested: Citizen science
- Polar plunges braved: 1
- Joined the travel industry: 2012
My top 5 Antarctic moments
- Experiencing the Drake Shake on my first ever Antarctic expedition and the excitement of trying to eat dinner with my meal sliding everywhere!
- Doing the polar plunge – the camaraderie and hype beforehand was amazing. Everyone was so supportive.
- Arriving at Damoy Point and spotting hundreds of porpoising penguins in the sea, returning to their nesting sites, before I’d even gotten out of my bed
- Making the most of the Antarctic weather in early November by having snowball fights out on deck
- Conducting citizen science experiments out on the back deck while returning home and being bid farewell by royal albatrosses following the ship

Checking out the penguins on Deception Island, Antarctica
My Antarctic photos
More about me
- Snow, ice and mountains have always had a special place in my heart as an avid skier and outdoor enthusiast.
- I lived in Singapore for 2.5 years and now call the Bahamas home. I'm happiest in the two extremes: very hot or very cold!
- I particularly love Antarctica in the early season because it's so scenic and pristine.
- My wide-ranging adventures have taken me everywhere from Asia to Alaska. In fact, I've now been to all seven continents!

A chilly zodiac ride in Antarctica

Swoop is fantastic because we work with such a wide variety of different ships, as well as having first-hand knowledge of the destination. This means I can give you unbiased recommendations on which trip to take.

What our customers think of Heather
Ready to plan your Antarctic adventure?
We'll spend some time listening to your aspirations, then discuss the kind of experience that might suit you.
Next we'll discuss the options, shortlist the best trips for you and present you our impartial recommendations.
We'll place a 24 hour hold on your preferred option - without obligation - whilst we talk through the details.
With over 100 years of Antarctic experience between us, we can help guide you to exactly the right trip for you.