What happens on an Antarctic expedition cruise?

Cruises to Antarctica are active experiences, offering a fully immersive encounter with the 7th Continent. Whether you’re travelling on a small expedition ship, a luxury craft or a larger vessel, you can expect daily excursions to step foot on Antarctic shores, trips around bays full of sparkling icebergs, adventure and education activities – and of course, epic wildlife safaris with penguins galore.

The unpredictable polar weather means that flexibility is at the heart of every trip, but with an expert guiding team leading the way, the magic of Antarctica is always waiting to be discovered.

What will I do on an Antarctic cruise?

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What our customers think of Antarctic cruising

Do every excursion. Days are long, but every excursion is worth it! Read the full review

Travelled: February 2025

Whitney Lauren Sherman - USA

10/10 - Swoop covered everything A-Z. There wasn't one stone unturned. Really appreciated the packing list and all other resources provided as well. We also spend time on the zoom education calls and it really helped us prepare for our voyage. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2025

Lisa Duncan - USA

Just do it! You will not regret it as long as you are flexible (the weather reigns) and can enjoy whatever the cruise delivers to you! Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Laura Leard Laciar - USA

The experience was so life-changing it's hard to put it in words. It has definitely affected my priorities, and I've already started restructuring my life to focus on new concepts that have become more important as a result of this trip. I can clearly see why some people return to Antarctica multiple times. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Artur Dailidonis - Saudi Arabia

It’s not as daunting as it seems! Antarctica is raw and beautiful, and every second of planning was worth it x100. I would go again in a heartbeat. My only advice is to make sure you have the correct waterproof gear. Just because you have a waterproof jacket or pants doesn’t mean it lives up to Antarctic standards. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Anna Oldham - USA

Your advice to be present was excellent.

Travelled: January 2025

Jo Taylor - USA

Be ready for weather to be a big impact on your trip and be ready to roll with the punches. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Christine Knight - USA

I felt very prepared. The Swoop webinar was so helpful in knowing what to expect. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Margery Ordog - USA

Expedition is not a “trip”, it’s an experience!!!! Wouldn’t have changed anything! Wanted to do this trip for over 20 years and even when Mother Nature changed the plan, the team came through and made it amazing! Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Kathryn Filipek - USA

Know in advance that zodiac cruises and walks on shore will be even better than you imagine.

Travelled: January 2025

Robert Snyder - USA

Expect the unexpected. I have so many good memories and at the moment don't feel I could ever top the trip that I had. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Jayne Fenrich - Chile

I absolutely loved the zodiac excursions! The staff on the team were wonderful—friendly, knowledgeable, and deeply passionate about Antarctica. Their love for nature was evident, and they were always eager to share their insights, making the experience even more enriching. I felt completely confident and safe when my family and I joined their excursions on this trip. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Pimpa Phityaisarakul - Thailand

Keep yourself fit, be active and willing to get out of your comfort zone a little. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2025

Suan McLuen - USA

Don't have any expectations! Go out and do all the things they suggest, even if the weather isn't perfect. Get off the ship as often as you can; be out on the decks as often as you can. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Julie Lauffenburger - USA

Do it, but don't expect it to be a relaxing getaway. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Logan Glickfield - USA

Each landing and zodiac cruise brought a new landscape, exciting encounters, and overall awe-inspiring emotions about the space. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Cara Stombock - USA

Enjoy careful preparation and pre-planning for your trip (following the excellent and useful advice provided by Swoop) and be prepared to be flexible in your expectation of the itinerary which will be adapted by the Expedition Leader and the ship's Captain depending on the weather during the trip. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Leonie Hyde - UK

The scenery was fantastic. The food was amazing. The guides were great. All the wildlife and all the experiences of being there. It is hard to describe how awesome it was. Those who have been to Antarctica can relate. So much fun! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Martin Balinsky - USA

Bring your curiosity. All of your questions will be answered by the crew/team. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Mark Downing - United States Minor Outlying Islands

Bring lots of layers. The weather changes every ten minutes. Don't spend your time looking at your phone or sleeping in your cabin during the day. Sit along the windows and watch the icebergs float by with penguins on them. An opportunity that you will not see everyday. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Jody Lynn Papini - USA

Don't expect a relaxing vacation, and don't expect an itinerary! There was too much to experience from pre-breakfast wakeup call to the daily recap/debrief, we didn't take any time to relax, but we still came away feeling restored. Be adaptable and trust the leadership team to deliver a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Jonathan Carroll - USA

Be ready for your plans to change at a moment's notice. Spend as much time outside as you can, you never know when nature will do her thing. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2024

Allison Leimkuehler - USA

I was prepared mainly because Swoop reminded me what I need to do step-by-step (via the Adventure Planner). The Adventure Planner was a great tool. I had my detail itineraries and step-by-step details. I was also excited to see Antarctica. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2024

Phuong Chen - USA

Layers and an open adventurous spirit will make the journey fantastic. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2024

Debra Brandwein - USA

I was more than ready physically for the trip. Emotionally, mentally this trip was so much more than I expected! Important to be prepared for sensory overload! Read the full review

Travelled: November 2024

Wanda Niemi - USA

Don't overpack, be open-minded for operations changes and try to write a journal. Read the full review

Travelled: March 2024

Gabriel Eduardo Cortez Chávez - Chile

I was very excited for Antarctica, but until I arrived, I wasn't sure how prepared I really was. My main concern is that I didn't bring the right clothes but turns out I did. As for being prepared for what I saw and what I did, no amount of reading about Antarctica or watching videos of other peoples' trips could have prepared me for the wonders of that most extraordinary continent. This trip exceeded all of my expectations! Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Shirley Sutton - USA

Excursions were marvellous. Opportunities to experience the landscape and wildlife up close were unforgettable. Expedition leaders were knowledgeable, experienced, and full of great stories and suggestions for making the most of our time on the zodiac and on land. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Jennifer Webb - Canada

Plan on early wake up calls. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Matthew Gillette - USA

Last-minute planning might be normal, but for expeditioning, especially in Antarctica, spend the time to learn about the area, the reality of weather changes, and have a very open mind to changes in plans during the day. Add time on each end to buffer for delays, but spending time on departure and arrival ports can lead to unexpected experiences. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Michael Iezzi - USA

Be prepared to be flexible. I know the websites all stress this. It's so true. Weather in Antarctica is very unpredictable and storms and high winds can change in a flash and interrupt or force cancellation of plans. However, there is always a Plan B, C... etc. which could lead to a new and sometimes equally exciting experience. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Lynn Guterman - USA

The ice was the best part. The wildlife of course was super fun, like the baby penguins and hundreds of humpback whales feeding, but to see ice so blue, so vast, so grand - breathtaking. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Deborah Gasser - USA

I felt very prepared in terms of having the proper clothing and equipment. I was not prepared or sufficiently excited for the wonder and beauty that we would be experiencing. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2024

Jeffrey Siegel - USA

Unplugging from technology and absorbing the natural world was an amazing gift. There are no words to describe the environment and how it will touch you. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2024

Becky Ahern - USA

We discovered something different and amazing on each zodiac cruise. The crew always made sure we were safe and as comfortable as possible and that we all had the chance to witness wildlife. We also were educated on everything we saw. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2024

Kelli Alexander - USA

The zodiac drivers were also the scientists, explorers, etc, so every trip was full of interesting and exciting information. They would not only take you to your destination but cruise to where the action was: whales, seals, etc. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2024

Joanne March - USA

Forget about everything else in the world. Antarctica deserves your undivided attention and I can bet it will take your breath away. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2024

Ankita Gupta - India

Never ever EVER skip an excursion. No matter how tired you are, do it all! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Anthony VanTreeck - USA

Enjoy being unplugged! It helps to really immerse yourself in the land and wildlife. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Patty Hultquist - USA

Don't hesitate, do everything regardless of whether you are tired, come fully prepared for the Drake Passage: patches, medicine bands and you will be ok! Don’t overpack! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Edward Moder IV - USA

Be ready to do and see things you never dreamed were possible! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Marilyn Burbidge - Canada

Be flexible and open minded. Bring the right gear. Be prepared for long days and some sleepless nights (they are worth it). Take it all in. Appreciate the opportunity to experience a place that fills you with wonder and awe. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Lindsay Wilson - Canada

My expectations were through the roof. They were not only met but exceeded. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Patti Shelton - USA

Be flexible: That’s one of the first things they tell you because everything is dependent on the weather. You have to trust the crew and when you do, magical things will happen! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2023

Vera Hui - USA

Go with an open mind and don’t plan on checking off boxes on a list. Weather dictates what you can do and see. Enjoy the experience and it’s not necessary to photograph every moment. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2023

Craig Murata - USA

You are at the mercy of the weather, so you must be prepared to take the daily activities as they come. Believe me, though, you will have more than enough opportunities to live out the adventure! Read the full review

Travelled: November 2023

Greg W Muldrew - USA

The experience of being in Antarctica cannot be fully described on paper or even told. All five senses are stimulated as you walk on this continent. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2023

Karen Yamamoto-Fosberg - USA

You need to be flexible as schedules and plans will change quite a bit. My motto about Antarctica was "never a dull moment". Read the full review

Travelled: March 2023

Sarah Larson - USA

Read ALL of the information carefully - do not speed-read it. Ask questions, if you require additional information. Do not assume anything or have expectations that cannot be guaranteed. The weather & wildlife may have other ideas. It is a cruise, but nothing like the cruises most people experience. Read the full review

Travelled: March 2023

Cecilia Griffin - UK

Be present and take in all the beauty! All of it is magical. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2023

Tara Kacmarcik - USA

Read as much as possible so you are prepared. Surprisingly, there is not much spare time with all of the visits, etc. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2023

Mike Howie - UK

The more flexible you are the more fun you will have. Something on the trip may change (for good reason), just accept it and enjoy. We had a zodiac cancel due to weather, but we got to see orcas... which we would have missed if the zodiac cruise wasn't cancelled. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2023

Chris Poli - USA

Keep an open mind, just take a day at a time, as each and every one will turn out unique. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2023

Umesh Patel - UK

You should go with the thought of "expedition" in mind. This is not a Rhine cruise or a Maui beach. Your expectation of some discomfort will not be disappointed. Cold, wind, water, and pitching seas will add impression to your memories of what is certainly one of the most beautiful and awesome places on earth. It is a gift to be able to experience it. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Thomas Goodman - USA

Having seen the variability of the weather, sea, wind and wildlife conditions, I see that the itinerary writeups are appropriate with terminology as to 'may land', 'possible number of landings' as to where, when and number of landings will be done. Being a very scheduled type of person I had to let go and take each day as it came and the expedition leader managed to pull off almost ALL the landings that he had in mind. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Elizabeth Griffiths - Canada

You will be at the mercy of Mother Nature and being flexible with changes coming your way will make the trip memorable. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Lawrence Hudson - USA

Take some time to enjoy the peace and quiet as it is incredible. There are so many things to take pictures of, but enjoy the experience with your senses as well! Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Ryan Heyrana - USA

Disconnect from the world, be flexible and let the experience happen! Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Neil Jacobson - USA

Expect an adventure not a vacation! Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Jesse Kehoe - USA

Be present. Go out on all shore excursions. Participate in the lectures. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Lisa Bandola - Canada

I felt well prepared with the right kinds of clothes, though I did overpack, for the excursions and on board. I was not prepared for the jaw dropping scenery and the feeling I experienced when landing on the continent. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Mary Engebreth - USA

Make sure you go knowing that the itinerary may change at a moment's notice and that the weather and ice may prevent you from doing things or going places you had hoped to see. That is part of the experience. Don't forget to put your camera down and just look and smell and take it all in. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Rebecca Klein - USA

Bring lots of layers and sunscreen. I was coldest when I was out and about on the decks because there was lots of wind and I wasn't as layered up as I would be on an excursion. Be prepared to go with the flow and I highly recommend not purchasing the internet if possible - it was great to disconnect and fully immerse in the trip. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2023

Lucia Marie Casella - USA

Be prepared for some rough seas and itinerary changes due to weather. Pay attention to the guidelines on what to bring. Be flexible and patient. It's an 'adventure', not a trip to the spa. It is totally worth going. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Michael Cox - USA

I learned that pushing myself to step outside my comfort zone can have an amazing payoff! Sharing this trip with my son was something I’ll treasure always. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Mary Cunningham - USA

Come with an open mind and heart, and take advantage of every opportunity to get to know Antarctica. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Mary Cunningham - USA

Make sure to take every opportunity offered to you. You don’t know when the weather will be good. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Michael Bucher - USA

Literally everyone on the ship were kindred spirits. Most were world travelers and Antarctica was the last continent. We made new friends on the trip. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Natalie Dewberry-Moore - USA

Be flexible and expect the unexpected! So much of the trip is dependent on the weather and it changes very quickly. Enjoy the wonders of what you see and take lots of pictures and videos! Bring a good camera with a good telephoto lens and a good binocular! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Alex Chou - USA

Keep an open mind, be prepared for bad weather but know that it could also be beautiful each day (as our trip was). If you don't like breathtaking scenery, once-in-a lifetime experiences, making new friends, learning extraordinary things about all things Antarctic and how they relate to you individually and to this world we live in, then maybe this isn't for you. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Mary Buchino Johnson - USA

Most memorable moment: Waking up the first day in Antarctica with the sun shining, surrounding mountains covered in snow, porpoising penguins, and beautiful blue waters. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2022

Charlie Barchett - USA

Make sure to tailor your expectations. Since the weather is a determining factor of how your trip may go, make sure to keep a positive attitude that what you planned may not go as expected. Also, listen to what advice the team gives you about preparing for the trip. I felt that I was well prepared for my trip and did not need anything extra once I got there. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Akilah Hugine - USA

Use your sunscreen! I underestimated the effect of sun reflection off the snow and ended up badly burnt. Bring lotion. You will be very very dry (Antarctica is absolutely a desert) and with the cold this can lead to skin splitting and scarring. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Matt Martin - USA

The first sight of the Antarctic islands was overwhelming and such a great feeling that we had actually made it! Then stepping foot on land! So epic! I very much enjoyed daily zodiacs to land and the hikes we were able to do. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Kelly DeBey - USA

10 - It was so much more than "just a cruise." Activities were safe and allowed for participation regardless of your age, ability, etc. The educational aspects of the region, the wildlife, the history, the current processes in place to "manage" the area and preserve its unique wild state - everything was phenomenal !!! Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Shelley Springer - USA

Zodiac excursions were very fun, you literally feel so close to everything around you and can truly experience Antarctica. They’re safe and cruising around with your new boat friends definitely added to the overall experience. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Amanda Colarossi - Canada

10 - As a professional writer, I take no pride in saying words fail to describe the majesty of Antarctica. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Scott Hogenson - USA

We’ve been to Alaska several times, as well as Africa and some of the great deserts, but this is a different kind of awe inspiring experience…really impossible to grasp…even with prior research. Favorite encounters were watching the penguins from a respectful distance…..amazing. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Joe Brubaker - USA

The crew worked closely with the ship’s captain to make sure we were safe and made the most of every opportunity. Plans changed day to day and we learned to go with the flow! Read the full review

Travelled: November 2022

Jennifer Crews - Canada

Be flexible. The weather is king in the Antarctic. Read the full review

Travelled: October 2022

Virginia Kramer - USA

Plan early and make sure you prepare for rough seas. I did and never got sea sick ... most people on the ship didn't seem prepared for some reason. We definitely got the Drake Shake and even worse seas leaving South Georgia heading for Uruguay. Read the full review

Travelled: March 2022

Barrett Weiss - USA

Loved the zodiac excursions. The zodiacs provide intimate access to locations the ship cannot reach. Zodiacs and shore excursions make all the difference in an Antarctic journey. I couldn't imagine simply viewing just from the ship. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Scott Hunter - USA

The wildlife lectures were my favourite and one on krill stands out as I didnt think it could be so interesting. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Sue Gatenby - UK

Just do it! Be prepared to be amazed, stunned even by the whole experience but also not to be disappointed when nature doesn't oblige. Some passengers appear to expect everything to go to a schedule, and are not prepared to get cold and wet. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Sue Gatenby - UK

The zodiac trips were great and safety was stressed; both ours and the wildlife's. Most memorable was probably the first time stepping on shore amongst penguins. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Ron Hart - USA

Expedition team were extremely knowledgeable and on task with any inquiries you might have. There were years of experience as the team had been in Antarctica a number of times. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Tom Crowley - USA

What a powerful experience. How many people in the world get to experience this? I feel humbled. The reactions and enthusiasm of the staff at achieving the crossing reinforced how privileged my experience was. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Jane Crowley - USA

The flora, fauna, scenery were all interwoven to create a memorable sometimes overwhelmingly awesome experience. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Jane Crowley - USA

It's hard to choose from so many memorable moments; every day I thought it was the best ever but I think I will say that the zodiac excursion across Paradise Bay with the whales right in front of us, or the cruise through Spert Islands channels and the iceberg graveyard with it all set off by the amazingly blue water. Also getting to 68 degrees south was incredible! Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Jennifer Ruth - USA

I expected it to be an amazing trip and it was even better than expected. I don't think you can really be prepared for the experience. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Jennifer Ruth - USA

I loved all the zodiac trips; the landings were incredible too but I could do zodiacs all day every day. The zodiac across Paradise Bay and Spert Island were the best; we used the term "white water zodiacing" at Spert and it was so much fun! Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Jennifer Ruth - USA

Take advantage of all the floor to ceiling windows - whales and seals just slide by when you're not expecting it! Do all the things you possibly can and be open to all the experiences, ask questions: the expedition crew is so passionate and knows so much. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Jennifer Ruth - USA

Antarctica exceeded every expectation! The overwhelming grandiosity is difficult to put into words. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2022

Michael Bilheimer - USA

Expedition team members were uniformly friendly, approachable, helpful, and full of knowledge related to what we were seeing or could see. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Fred Delcomyn - USA

I have been on (much larger) cruise ships before, so I did have some general idea of how being onboard would be. My experience with Magellan Explorer was a step up from my previous experiences. Partly this was due to the small size of the ship, but even taking this into account, I found staff extremely friendly and helpful throughout the voyage. In addition, I found the food excellent, with great variety and ample portions. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Fred Delcomyn - USA

Temper your expectations. Don't think every day is going to be filled with gorgeous sunshine, as photos tend to suggest. If you concentrate on the incredible landscapes and fantastic wildlife, you will have an unforgettable adventure even if the weather is not the best. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Fred Delcomyn - USA

If I have to pick one moment, I’m going to pick the bum-slide down a steep slope overlooking a calving glacier and a tranquil, iceberg-filled bay that followed a lovely hike past a penguin rookery. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Stephanie Krolick - USA

The orcas appearing during the whale talk, the baby humpback breaching off the bow of the zodiacs, the polar plunge, watching from the outriggers as the the boat cut through the ice, drinking Macallan with ice fresh from a berg, having an impromptu dance party with my husband on top of a volcanic cinder cone. It was just a super trip from beginning to end. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Stephanie Krolick - USA

We were lucky regarding weather and conditions but the team helped make the luck by monitoring the weather and adjusting the schedule to maximize the experience. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Mark Golan - USA

Antarctica is such an alien place that it truly makes you feel like you've left the planet. The days were amazingly long, in a good way. Each day felt like two given the amount of activity and their length. Just a wonderful experience. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Mark Golan - USA

The excursions sites were great with a nice variety of penguin colonies, historical sites, landscapes, ice, and volcanoes. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Mark Golan - USA

Most memorable moment: clear blue skies, zero wind, flat ocean with icebergs floating around everywhere, in a zodiac with penguins popping up all over us, and a seal belly-flopping up on an iceberg 20ft from us Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Todd Mackey - USA

Most memorable moment: walking amongst the penguins and the incredible landscape. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2022

Doug Behan - USA

The seal and penguin species were well documented by the expedition staff and I felt that they did a great job with educating us before arrival in Antarctica from various speeches and learning opportunities to know about what we'd encounter. There were numerous great photo opportunities daily! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Christopher Norton - USA

The daily expeditions were well run, adventurous, and led by amazingly insightful, patient, and FUN expedition staff. There was no one moment that was great, they were all great. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Christopher Norton - USA

Most memorable moment: hard to choose just one! Penguins swimming underwater en masse. A huge, unusually large pod of orca feeding. The magnificent mountain peaks and sunlit valleys beneath them, and on and on. Truly something I will remember every day of my life! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Kent Kimball - USA

We dressed most warmly, and that was a good idea because of the wind off the water. We managed the getting onto and off the Zodiacs with no problems. The crew was great at always emphasizing the sailor's grip and taking the steps slowly, then sitting down and sliding along the Zodiac. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Mike Walcher - USA

The zodiac excursions were great-lots of icebergs, seals, penguins, and whales. We even cut the engine to enjoy the "silence" of the ice - magnificent. We always felt safe; they explained what to do (and why), and reminded us how to enter and exit the craft. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Diane Walcher - USA

I enjoyed learning about the history of discovery, women in Antarctica, the birds, mammals and bathymetry. The glacial lectures were very informative. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Diane Walcher - USA

Most memorable moment: polar plunge in Deception Island/Bay. Weather was beautiful. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Zach Sandler - USA

Being open to changing plans and a little bit easygoing is a better attitude for this type of trip (as for any travel). The weather did impact some of our plans, but Sara, the Expedition Crew Leader, made tweaks and changes so that we were still busy and enjoying our trip. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Claire Torrey - USA

The expedition team, lead by Sara, was exceptional. Sara kept us informed on the activities of the day, and had multiple backup plans in case the weather did not cooperate for what was planned. The lectures were very informative. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Mohit Kallianpur - USA

My favorite encounter was having a very curious penguin come up and bite my camera lens. Wow! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Gordon Pickering - USA

Know that the staff will guide you, it’s not a test, it’s there to be enjoyed at any level. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Chris Dixon - UK

Come with an open mind because Antarctica can be totally unpredictable. If you have the chance to go, do it while you can. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Jade Griffin - USA

You must do the polar plunge! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2021

Sara Smith - USA

We did plan well for the zodiac trips which can be splashy and sometimes downright wet, depending on conditions. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2021

Paul Parris - USA

The zodiac excursions felt very safe and in general we managed the periodic "bath" from the process of traveling in zodiacs pretty well. Read the full review

Travelled: November 2021

Paul Parris - USA

I felt completely safe getting on and off the zodiaks. Staff were completely helpful and did a good job training us. A couple memorable moments: 1 was Coming back in from a ride in Wilhelmina Bay once the wind picked up and the seas suddenly became incredibly rough. We were completely drenched (except for the parts covered by the coat/pants/boots) and had a wild ride. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2020

Kathleen Walton - United States Of America

Our guide, Steffie, told us to put down our cameras when we were on an outing on the zodiac, and just listen! It was surreal - the peace that surrounded us, the sound of the whales, blowing through their blowhole, the water lapping around us - I realized, I have not actually been listening for years! Read the full review

Travelled: February 2020

Rosarii Nuala Falvey - United States Of America

The humpback whales in Charlotte Bay, they were ALL around us in our little Zodiac! Absolutely epic experience! Read the full review

Travelled: February 2020

Patty Hunt - United States Of America

Enjoyed all the zodiac cruises, but they could be chilly at times so wrap up! Getting up close to icebergs and wildlife was amazing. Always felt safe getting on and off the zodiacs and while whizzing around too. The first zodiac cruise was spectacular, in an iceberg graveyard. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2020

Ann Freeman - United Kingdom

The Expedition Team were fabulous. They were excellent at giving briefings and keeping us posted on what was happening at all times. The other members of the team were so knowledgeable. Some great lectures on subjects that I really didn't think would interest me but absolutely did. Sarah on icebergs, Anthony on photography and the whaling industry, Scott on birds, Chris on botany and Julia on the Port Lockroy Post Office. The Expedition Team were about the ship all the time, on the lookout for wildlife, happy to chat. They really were fabulous. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2020

Ann Freeman - United Kingdom

It was refreshing to know that everyone onboard was an expert in some way on Antarctica, the wildlife, the ocean / climate, etc. We had really good lectures during times we were sailing, which helped to pass the time but also was very informative. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2020

George Parson - Australia

You have this idea that you’re going to freeze to death before you go but that’s not the case. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Donald Emeigh - United States Of America

Ice climbing; camping, especially the feeling when our zodiac pulled away and I found myself somehow connected with Shackleton and the seabirds flying overhead; seeing a dozen or more Elephant Seals woven together in the pebbles surrounded by penguins; and the sheer exhilaration of participating in the polar plunge with like-minded thrill seekers! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Rex - Len Hunt - United States Of America

The Zodiac rides were safe (aided by calm seas) and usually took us to places that we couldn't travel to on the ship. I especially liked it when the guides took us out a little further to see if there was any new wildlife that we could interact with. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Steve Kelemen - United States Of America

I loved our cruise to Antarctica. Every landing was a highlight and it is definiely the best place I have ever visited. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Sabine - Austria

The Zodiac rides were definitely fun excursions, as this was our best chance to see wildlife up close. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Mark Jongewaard - United States Of America

The expedition staff far surpassed all my expectations. My favourite moment was just sitting with the penguin colonies and watching them interact with each other. An absolutely incredible experience! Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Jill Pickett - United States Of America

Customer Image

Whenever we went out, I always felt extremely safe and happy, whether that be in zodiacs, kayaking, mountaineering or snow shoeing. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2019

Sarah Gillett - Switzerland

I traveled alone, so I didn't have a group as others did; however, I met very nice people from the US, Hong Kong, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Read the full review

Travelled: February 2019

Dennis Roy - United States Of America

The scenery, wildlife, the ship crew, the adventure guides and most of the guests on board. Magical was when the zodiacs were zig zaging through the loose ice floes. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2019

Annuar Faisal - Malaysia

Customer Image

Take every opportunity to go up to the bridge and even on the days through the Drake passage, go outside if possible to take in the whole experience. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2018

Gill & Richard Starling - United Kingdom

Customer Image

The zodiac excursions and shore landings are what makes Antarctica special. This is what brings you to nature. You get to see the rawness of icebergs up and wildlife up close. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2018

Terrie Mandina - United States Of America

There was bad weather, it was a bit cold but that’s what you get for going to the bottom of the earth! The cruise itinerary did change and we got to go to the Falkland Islands as well, what a lovely surprise. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2018

Raquel & David Shulman - Canada

Customer Image

Hubby even went for the Polar Plunge and when I put it on Facebook had rave comments about his daring & courage...very appreciated when you are 75 years old!

Travelled: January 2018

Lucien & Marie-Eve - South Africa

Customer Image

Excursions were the highlights of the trip. I can't point a finger to any of them saying that one was the best. They were all fantastic! Read the full review

Travelled: January 2018

Zoltan & Stephen Nemeth - Florida

Customer Image

What I enjoyed most about the landings was walking around the animals. There was one morning on Danco Island where the snow was fresh, so I laid in it for a long time while watching the penguins waddle around.

Travelled: December 2017

Christine & Rollence - California

Customer Image

I really enjoyed the amount of time I spent walking around amongst the penguins, seals and birds. There were times where I would just sit on a rock (or in the snow!), close my eyes, and absorb everything. I'll never forget the feeling of the first time I stepped on land and saw the penguins. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2017

Christine & Rollence Patugan - United States Of America

Zodiac excursions were the best of the trip. Read the full review

Travelled: December 2017

An & Houmin Xiao (Luo) - United States Of America

Customer Image

Zodiac cruises and landings were great. The ability to land and spend a decent amount of time ashore among the wildlife and scenery was fantastic and provided time to absorb the experience.

Travelled: March 2017

Erika - Australia

Customer Image

I cannot say enough about the abundance of amazing wildlife and the phenomenal encounters we had. The icebergs were breathtaking and awe inspiring.

Travelled: February 2017

Karen - Pennsylvania

Customer Image

I thoroughly enjoyed the landings and the zodiac rides. We landed safely every time thanks to the experience of the expedition leader and guides.

Travelled: February 2017

Patricia - Canada

I learnt a lot more about polar history than I thought I ever would thanks to Katie, the onboard historian. The wildlife experts, Dick, Jacque and Bruce are very knowledgeable and were always on hand to point out and explain about the animals sighted.

Travelled: February 2017

Chow - Singapore

The excursions were terrific being so close to the birds, seals and penguins and the landscape simply breath taking. As George Carlin says, 'Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away' - Antarctic certainly took my breath away.

Travelled: January 2017

Gary - USA

Even when it was time to go back to the boat, when magical moments happened (which was often), the expedition team stopped the zodiac - we were never rushed through experiences, and in fact, we were encouraged to experience as much as possible.

Travelled: January 2017

Colette - California

Customer Image

The whales took our breath away. We all froze when one went under our Zodiac.

Travelled: January 2017

Nancy - Texas

We saw both humpback and minki whales from the zodiacs. It was truly amazing. I especially liked cruising through the ice floes and seeing all the lounging seals.

Travelled: January 2017

Nicole - Illinois

Landing on ice floe we saw a elephant seal and could hear him breathing. The icebergs were surreal. A bird hovered over our zodiac, loved it! Each time out was a unique experience like no other.

Travelled: January 2017

Mary and John - New York

When we did not have excursion or landing, we still had a lot to do on board. The lectures taught us a lot about everything in Antarctica. Read the full review

Travelled: January 2017

Feng Zheng - China

Customer Image

The lectures and talks we had from the expedition staff, were great - and a wonderful way to pass the time on the long sailing days across the Drake Passage.

Travelled: December 2016

Declan - UK

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It's hard to say which excursions were my favorite, but our Top 3 zodiac experiences were to Paulet Island, Cuverville Island and our last day on Spert Island. Our best landings were on Brown Bluff and Cuverville Island.

Travelled: November 2016

Ryan - Massachusetts


What you'll experience on an Antarctic cruise

Shore landings

The daily landings offered by Antarctic expedition cruise ships are an unbeatable immersive experience, from the crunch of snow underfoot and the sounds (and smells) of a penguin rookery, to the humbling feeling of being dwarfed by such epic landscapes.

Every landing is unique. Some offer the chance to see the wildlife up close, others are sites of historic significance, while some locations are chosen purely for their astonishing natural beauty. With expert guides showing the way, wherever you land in Antarctica is unforgettable.

Two tourists flying the Antarctic flag on the 7th Continent

Zodiac cruises

Zodiacs are at the heart of every Antarctic expedition cruise. These ice safaris are always exhilarating. Expert guides pilot you on a constant watch for wildlife and spectacular views. Being flat bottomed, zodiacs are very stable and practical (they’re a great platform for photography) as well as huge amounts of fun.

The flexibility and spontaneity of a zodiac cruise means that one minute you can be zipping through a bay of millennia-old ice, and the next you’ll be surrounded by porpoising penguins or even holding your breath in awe as a whale surfaces close by.

Zodiac cruising past an ice floe with crabeater seals

Swoop says

Swoop Says background image

You never forget your first morning waking up in Antarctica. Pulling back the curtains in your cabin to a landscape of ice and snow, and then rushing to get dressed to breathe in that serene frozen air, scanning the horizon for penguins.

Lu Pearson Antarctica Consultant

Wildlife watching

Antarctica is one of greatest wildlife watching destinations on the planet, and the wildlife here is quite unafraid of people, which can lead to some truly extraordinary encounters.

Come to Antarctica for charismatic penguins, seals on ice floes and whales showing their flukes. At times, you won’t know where to point your camera, but the expert naturalist guides will always be on hand to point out what you’re seeing – and recap and review the day’s wildlife tally when you’re back on board.

Gentoo penguins on Petermann Island on the Antarctic Peninsula

Adventure Activities

From kayaking and snowshoeing to snorkellingcamping and more, adventure activities can take your Antarctic experience to another level. After all, how many people ever get to sleep out in a snow hole like an explorer, falling asleep to the sound of distant glaciers and penguins?

These optional activities normally carry an additional charge and are booked when you secure your cabin, but some ships also offer basecamp trips that include a variety of activities in the price, allowing you to get a taste of Antarctica in as many ways possible.

Kayaking in front of an iceberg in Antarctica
Swoop Says background image

Swoop says

Flexibility is at the heart of every Antarctic cruise, and plans can change as quickly as the unpredictable polar weather. However, your expedition team are masters of adaptation, so whatever the conditions, they'll always ensure you get the best that Antarctica has to offer.


Antarctica offers an extraordinary canvas for the photographer. The scenery is astonishing, the wildlife is everywhere and the golden hour light at the end of the long polar day can be truly astonishing. 

All expedition teams include at least one photography guide to help you get the most out of your trip. For those who take their hobby seriously, most ships also run dedicated photography zodiacs on excursions to allow passengers to maximise their photographic opportunities.

Photographer with long lens camera in Antarctica

Swoop says

Swoop Says background image

One of my favourite parts of my last cruise was the photography competition at the end: it was amazing to see how everyone on the ship had their own different Antarctica, seen through a hundred different lenses and experiences.

Otto Lock Antarctica Specialist

Education & enrichment

Educating guests about Antarctica is a key element of polar expedition cruising. Your guides are experts in their field, with many having worked on the ice for research programmes before joining your ship.

This expert knowledge is shared with guests through a series of onboard lectures. In the field, they become teachers in an extraordinary outdoor classroom. When your guide stops the zodiac near an iceberg to deliver a talk about glaciology, it’s easy to understand why a polar education is like no other on Earth.

Guide giving an onboard lecture during an Antarctic cruise

Citizen science

Many expedition cruise ships offer guests the chance to get involved in citizen science projects collecting data for some of the most respected research institutions in the world.

Projects on offer include sampling phytoplankton to look into the effects of climate change, surveying seabirds and whales, and even helping NASA train their weather satellites. Citizen science projects are not only great fun but unparalleled in helping travellers connect with Antarctica's wider environmental issues.

Fjordphyto citizen science project in Antarctica

The polar plunge

The polar plunge is a long-standing tradition among Antarctic cruising, and is guaranteed to raise admiring (or incredulous) looks when you get back home.

The polar plunge is normally offered once on all voyages, and there’s always something of a party atmosphere on board when it’s announced. Even if you’re not taking part, it’s one of Antarctica’s great spectator sports.

The sudden immersion in the sea is a shock, but the buzz afterwards is simply fantastic – as is the camaraderie of your fellow plungers. It's an optional activity, but we always recommend packing a swimming costume even if you don't think you'll be tempted ahead of time – just in case! 

Female tourist doing the polar plunge in Antarctica

Taking the polar plunge

What to expect on an Antarctic cruise: FAQs

  • How fit do I need to be for an Antarctic expedition cruise?

    Most people are fit enough for an Antarctic cruise. The distances you’ll be walking during the landings tend to be quite short (under half a mile or 1 km) and even when longer walks are offered, there are always shorter alternative routes. 

    To get the most from your time in Antarctica it's definitely well worth making sure you’re in good physical shape and capable of walking across uneven ground that may be covered in snow or ice. A walking pole is a useful third point of balance for anyone to pack, though most ships also carry spare poles for guests to use.

  • What's the best time of year to visit Antarctica?

    The Antarctic visitor season follows the Austral summer, running roughly from the last October to the last week of March. Antarctica is spectacular throughout this period: there is no 'best' time to visit, but different months offer slightly different experiences. 

    The early season through to the end of November has the crispest snow left over from winter, and penguins starting to nest. December into January are the peak months, with penguin chicks arriving and high demand for cabins meaning that early booking is essential. February and March are the best months for whale watching, with the very end of the season also bringing spectacular sunsets due to the shortening days. 

    For more information, see our page about the best time to visit Antarctica

  • What clothing will I need to wear for an Antarctic cruise?

    Antarctica demands that you dress for cold and wet weather. For a detailed packing list, see our guide on what to wear to keep you warm and dry. 

    You won’t need to bring any specialist equipment to take part in any of the adventure activities such as camping, kayaking, snowshoeing, paddleboarding: this will all be provided for you on the ship. Exceptions to this are the more specialist activities such as scuba diving or mountaineering; you'll be given a full packing list of what to bring when you book. 

  • How long does it take to sail to Antarctica?

    Under normal weather conditions, it takes about two days to sail across the Drake Passage to Antarctica from Ushuaia in the southern tip of Argentina, the starting point for almost all Antarctic cruises. See our dedicated page for more information on crossing the Drake Passage,

    If time is a concern, it's also possible to fly direct to Antarctica to join a Fly & Cruise trip. Flights depart from Punta Arenas in Chile, taking just two hours to get to King George Island, where you join your cruise ship. 

  • Can the planned excursions be affected by weather?

    Yes. The weather always has the final say in Antarctica, and it's one reason why itineraries are never set in stone. Your expedition team leader works closely with the ship's captain to best arrange the day's activities taking the weather into consideration. There is always a Plan B, and frequently a Plan C and Plan D.

    Expedition leaders are experts in improvising in unpredictable conditions to show you the best of Antarctica, and while the weather might influence your trip, it's incredibly rare that it would affect it to the point that all landings are missed.

  • How easy is it getting in and out of the zodiacs?

    Getting from the ship into a zodiac or vice versa isn’t challenging at all, and you'll quickly be getting in and out of them as if you'd been doing it for years. To help assist, there are always crew members on hand to lock arms with you in a ‘sailor’s grip’ to help you safely get in and out of the craft. Your guides will also help during landings, when zodiacs pull up on a beach. 

    For more information on how zodiacs operate see our dedicated zodiac cruising page. 

  • How long will I spend onshore during landings?

    There is no set length of the time you'll spend on shore during landings, but it can range from between 45 minutes to over two hours. Factors that influence the length of a landing include the size of your ship (only 100 people may be onshore at any one time during a landing), the weather conditions and the nature of the landing site you're visiting. 

  • How close will I get to wildlife?

    Antarctica's wildlife has no natural fear of people, so it's possible to get far closer than in many wildlife watching destinations. However, strict guidelines are in place to avoid disturbing the animals you've travelled so far to see.

    During any landings, it's not permitted to get closer than 16 feet (5m) to any wildlife or within 33 feet (10m) from the edge of a penguin colony. The wildlife isn't aware of these rules however, so you must always be prepared to quietly retreat to a safe distance if any animals approach you too closely.

    On zodiac cruises or kayaking excursions, it's not uncommon to have close encounters with groups of swimming penguins or even humpback whales: truly magical experiences. 

  • Do I need experience to take part in the adventure activities?

    In general no experience is needed for the majority of adventure activities in Antarctica. Kayaking required some basic experience to take part and a good level of fitness, but many ships also now offer introductory paddling options for beginners. 

    The major exception to this is scuba diving, which requires proof of extensive cold water diving experience. 

  • Can anyone do the polar plunge?

    Anyone in good health can do the polar plunge – all it takes is a little bravery. 

    If you have been in poor health prior to your trip or have a heart condition, we recommend getting a medical opinion before taking part. The ship's doctor always attends polar plunges. 

  • Can South Georgia be included on an Antarctic cruise?

    Absolutely. The 'Serengeti of the Southern Ocean' is a popular feature of many cruise itineraries due to its extraordinary king penguin colonies, wild mountains and association with the polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton.

    Voyages that take in South Georgia are typically twice the length of a regular cruise. It takes two days just to sail between South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula, with the itineraries also including time in the Falkland Islands. 

    For more information, visit our South Georgia cruises page. 

More about Antarctica

You're guaranteed to spot gentoo penguins and icebergs on Antarctica Cruises

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