My Antarctic stats

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Grant says

At Swoop we know the ships, trips and itineraries of Antarctica inside out. Whether you want to see penguins in their natural habitat or spot enormous icebergs and glaciers, I’ll help you head on a journey that matches your passions.

Grant Dullage Antarctica Consultant

My top 5 Antarctic experiences

  1. Getting goosebumps when a minke whale popped up right next to my zodiac boat. I was awestruck
  2. Spending time on the bridge, where I learnt how the ship and Antarctic operations work – fascinating stuff 
  3. Taking the time to appreciate the out-of-this-world scenery during sunsets
  4. Ticking off an activity not many people can say they have tried: camping on the White Continent! Sleeping in a snow hole let me experience the landscape in a completely new way 
  5. Seeing a lone emperor penguin up close on the Antarctic Peninsula – an incredibly rare wildlife sighting as these creatures are usually found much further inland
Grant from Swoop stands in front of penguins in the snow, Antarctica

Enjoying Antarctica

More about me

  • Before joining Swoop, I planned bespoke journeys to Europe, Africa, Asia and beyond for my clients (and got to stay in some of the world's most exclusive properties)
  • I’ve also worked in the music industry, organising world tours for renowned artists such as Jamiroquai  
  • In 2019 I funded a rhino dehorning project to protect these endangered animals from poaching and worked with the Black Mambas, the world’s first all-female anti-poaching unit.
  • A passionate surfer, you can also usually find me scouring the planet for the best waves 
  • My love of ancient history often leads me to explore archaeological sites, whether it's the ruins of Cambodia's Angkor Wat or the temples of Egypt
Grant from Swoop sits in a zodiac boat in Antarctic snow

Enjoying Antarctica's ever-changing weather